Memoir DA was written to celebrate the founding of our new, dynamic software company, Preferred Software. Look for exciting new products from Preferred Software in the future such as DAtabase, the sophisticated database in desk accessory format.
For more information, write to:
Preferred Software
5100 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38137
Version 1.1 Update Notes:
This new version of Memoir features the following changes over version 1.0:
Ñ Memoir now updates the amount of free memory even when its window is no the active one; this is extremely useful and it was an oversight for not including it the first time.
Ñ A bug in Memoir which would very occasionally cause it to not open or crash the system has been fixed. This version has been thoroughly tested on all Macintoshs (in fact there is a little bit of color in it if you are running a Mac ][), so there should be no problems, but if you find any, please notify me.
Ñ There is now an orange version number in the lower left hand corner of Memoir╒s window.
Ñ Memoir now displays the amount of free memory in kilobytes (K) rather than in bytes.
Ñ Memoir╒s window is now even smaller so that it can be conveniently tucked away in a corner of your desktop.
Ñ Memoir now displays the amount of free memory in red on Mac ][╒s (it works perfectly normal in black and white on other Macintoshs).
Memoir DA
Memoir DA is a desk accessory which shows you the amount of free memory in your Macintosh in bytes. Memoir constantly updates the amount of memory available while it is open so you always have an accurate count. Clicking on the vice icon in Memoir╒s window will purge all purgeable blocks in memory and compact memory, freeing up as much memory as possible.
Memoir remembers the location on the screen you last placed it and will appear there from then on, allowing you to keep Memoir in your favorite location without moving it each time.
Memoir DA was written for developers who wish to monitor their program╒s memory management and it is a great aid in debugging. Memoir DA can also be used for seeing how much memory your favorite application uses, allowing you to accurately set a memory size for that application under MultiFinder.
Memoir DA is free, and my be copied by anyone so pass it along, with the provision that this short text file is given away along with it.
Thanks, and enjoy!
GEnie: A.Welch1
Andrew Welch
Mark 3 Software
29 Grey Rocks Road
Wilton, CT 06897
1 (203) 762-1249
╥Sometimes you can find the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right╙-GD